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The atomic bombing of Hiroshima

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima

During the years of the World War II, Hiroshima was the seventh largest city in Japan. Although up to that time it was non attacked by the Americans, during the summer of 1945, the city was practically razed to the ground.

Shortly after 8 am, the 'Little Boy' (pictured), the first atomic bomb used during a conflict, was dropped on Hiroshima. The explosion had a power of 12,500 tons of TNT and it happened at almost 600 meters above the ground destroying the 90% of the buildings and making more than 60,000 dead instantly
In fact, the total number of victims of the atomic bomb was set to rise dramatically due to the aftereffects of radiation, reaching 100.000 a few years later. In 2002, after over 57 years, people affected by radiation were 285,000. 
Despite all this, the city of Hiroshima has become an important industrial center after rebuliding.