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The discovery of America

The discovery of America

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In 1491 Castile conquered the kingdom of Granada and it was able to control the coasts that faced the Atlantic. Despite this, the area of Africa and the Atlantic islands were blocked by the Portuguese. These events led Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile to accept the proposals of the explorer Christopher Columbus.
He wanted to reach the East but the calculation of the circumference of the earth was wrong in fact it was much longer than expected and thanks to this error and to the trade winds, the navigator saw the land October 12, 1492, on Friday but what he thought was the 'East was actually a completely uncharted territory: America. Columbus, the following day, along with his men landed on one of the islands, Lucaie, which was later named San Salvador in honor of Jesus Christ the Saviour and then they come to other islands after 70 days at sea on three small boats: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. 
Since that time, the territory became Spanish conquest on decision by the discoverer. In 1497 it was another Italian navigator groped in the company and he was able to land in what is present-day Colombia, thanks to the explorations along the coasts of Brazil and Argentina made in 1502 he was the first to notice that the new territory was not the east but a continent never seen before.
In subsequent years, Vespucci made other trips exploring Brazil, Patagonia and finding the estuary of the Amazon River. He sent many letters to Florence, explaining that the new territory was to be necessarily a continent, the European cosmograf made sure that it was really the case, and called the continent America in honor of Vespucci. In 1513, Vasco 
Núñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama by land and discovered the Pacific Ocean so named for the tranquility of the water at the time of discovery.