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The invasion of Normandy

The invasion of Normandy

On 6 June 1944, the Allied forces landed in Northern France with the aim of opening a new offensive front against the Nazi Germany. 

Before the 7.000 ships disembarked, the Allied forces had to counter the German defenses with massive aerial bombardments, in fact 10.000 tons of bombs dropped from 12,700 bombers. Once on the ground, 4.000 landing craft brought tanks and infantry on the coast, supported by 130 warships ready to open fire. 
The land campaign that took place after, obtained the liberation of Paris and the retreat of German forces over the Senna river (25 and 30 August 1944). 
The code name for the Normandy invasion was Operation Neptune, and the date of June 6, 1944 is known as the "D-Day", the Anglo-Saxon term used by the military to denote the day on which they have to start an attack.