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Excavations debunk a myth about the Pyramids


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One of the greatest lies in history.
Or better an inaccuracy which is generated by the erroneous belief that the Pyramids were built by slaves in Egypt
The Greek historians were the cause of all this because they couldn't convince themselves of the fact that the construction of the immense Pyramids could be possible without large numbers of slaves to work day and night. In addition, the Bible shows that slavery was widespread in Egypt so we believe that enormous Pyramids were built by hordes of slaves.That's wrong! 
Excavations near the Pyramid of Cheops have unearthed tombs of real workmen, people paid to build the pyramids and not slaves. 
The testimony of a strike in the 29th year of the reign of Ramses III was even found in a papyrus and it was discovered that during the floods of the Nile, the population was employed as laborers to build dams. 
As if that was not enough, during the construction of monumental tombs, that required even many years of work, villages where workmen could live were built and there were also schools!!