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No money. One apple.

Apple's birth

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These few words can sum up the story of the Apple Computers' birth

Almost all of us know that it was born in a garage but a story becomes truly unforgettable when we can focus on its fine details. 

Wozniak (who was a hacker) had no money and could only draw his ideas on paper, without being able to put them into practice. 

Jobs, interested by the presentation of the Wozniak's project, decided with him to develop it . 

But where and above all how with no money? 
The shopkeeper of "The Byte Shop" agreed to buy 50 of their computers by paying $ 500 each. But only if they were already assembled. So the money could soon get but where to mount the pieces? The garage of the Jobs family. They use that little space starting from the few money came from the sale of Wozniak's calculator and Jobs' Volkswagen van.
On the wave of success, Jobs and Woziak assembled 200 computer before receiving a grant of $ 250,000 from an investor who made ​​them take off.