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The giant of the seas becomes legend - The sinking of the Titanic

The sinking of the Titanic

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The transtlantic Titanic owes its fame to its tragic end, the night between the 14th and the 15th April 1912.
It all started when the Titanic impacted with a giant iceberg on the route to New York. Despite the fully operating pumps, the water that came into the hull was too much in fact at 1.50 am of April,15, the prow (the part hit by the iceberg ) began to sink.

During the following hours the ship sank in a tragically spectacular way.

At first, the stern tilted of 30 degrees on the surface of the ocean showing to the sky its impressive propellers, then of 90 degrees to break under its own weight and sink completely.

The wreck of the 'unsinkable ship' still lies at the boundary between the North American continental slope and the abyssal plain of the Atlantic, covering an area of 400 hectares on the seabed! It has been calculated that due to the strong ocean currents, the gigantic Titanic could be completely buried by the undersea mud within the next 50 years.