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The victory of people against the monarchy - The storming of the Bastille

The storming of the Bastille

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The storming of the Bastille is regarded as the event which started the French Revolution.
On July 14, 1789 Paris was in turmoil. The citizens were determined to rebel against the monarchy and to pursue their goal, they needed weapons. On the morning of that day they attacked the 'Hôtel des Invalides' (a building that housed wounded soldiers), grabbing 28,000 rifles and same cannons.
However, they found no gunpowder to use these cannons so they headed for the Bastille, a fortress - prison where only 7 detainees were locked.
The Bastille was a large medieval building that due to the high maintenance costs and the few prisoners inside was defended only by a hundred men including wounded soldiers and Swiss Guards.
The rebels won the battle and beheaded the dead guards impaling their heads on pikes.

By itself, the taking of the Bastille had not a great strategic significance but because it was considered a symbol of the royal power this victory triggered the famous Revolution.